Sunday, April 8, 2012

Where Can I Sign Up To Webcam Model

Where Can I Sign Up To Webcam Model

There are 3 sites I currently use:

Flirt 4 Free


I have found that these are the most trusted, and most secure sites out there. Each has major advantages over the other and those will be discussed in this blog. If you want immediate information on them, feel free to click the links above and learn a little bit about them.

I have found it beneficial to have to active accounts on two separate sites because if it is slow on one site, you can switch to the other. NEVER try to be on both sites at the same time. This is not allowed and if you are found doing this, your account can be terminated. It is also nearly impossible to establish a connection with any viewer if you are talking to 2 different audiences.


  1. Hey There! Is it possible to chat w/ you? You seem so knowledgeable, I'd love to talk to you about my concerns and experience! I'm getting ready to get laid off, so I've been on I'mlive. I realize from reading your blog I'm doing a lot of things wrong. I'm not staying on long enough, I'm not consistent, and I'm way too slutty. I do have a great personality and I'm supercute, so I hope I can learn, but I'm super scared. I want to work for myself and do this full time. I know you said not to quit your job, but if you're in a position w/o a job, can you make this work? I just need about 2000 a month to survive. Please help, thanks!

  2. Making Money On Cam is a one of best website for cam models. They offers many contest and prizes. Currently they are offering Win Money in Model Only Photo Contest. They are giving away up to $500/month in cash and prizes.

  3. Start making money with webcam modeling. Get up 80% share! Flexible working hours - Fun conversations - Payout every two weeks - 24/7 Live support - REGISTER YOUR FREE ACCOUNT NOW!

  4. Start making money with webcam modeling. Get up 80% share! Flexible working hours - Fun conversations - Payout every two weeks - 24/7 Live support - REGISTER YOUR FREE ACCOUNT NOW!
